martes, 8 de julio de 2008

This is my Cover letter to a personal referral.

Edric Navarro
Rosal Sur, Calle 43, AV 12
Maracaibo –Edo Zulia - Venezuela



Date: 2st July, 2008.

Think Resources, Inc.
South Bend, IN

Mrs. Doris Molero

I am looking for new works, to show my programming skills on Visual Basic and SQL, this letter is response about your Yahoo Hot Job – Post, so I want to tell you some things about my skills and lab oral experience.

Actually I am software developer by my own but actually want to work in a software developers team, to improve my skills and show my creativity. I have about 8 year of Programming in several programming languages like Visual Basic, Action Scrip, Java as well graphic designing and basic web development using html, php.

Some of my last works was developing custom software for administrative automation in, and administrative control of personal payment, I have good professional experience using ODBC connections, and working whit SQL databases.

Actually I am studying CISCO CCNA1 to improve my Networking skills and technical knowledge, my future plan is get the CCNP certifications, to understand and give maintenance company networks.

I am really interested in develop web software or extranet software to allow the communication between company stations and make data solution for the working personal.

Every time I have a strong sense of the importance about security, every time I am getting up to date in security software and security information to offer a quality and integral service to the company

I have good skill working and leading team works, my 1st idea in a team is to be proactive and trying to convert my team mates proactive to, i really appreciate your time and consideration about this cover from my job expectations.

Thank you for your attention, have a good day.



Edric Navarro.

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